Infertility Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and IFV
If you’re having difficulty becoming pregnant, or know someone who is, I have successfully helped women become pregnant through a combination of IVF and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Most patients that come to my office have gone through Assisted Reproductive Technology (IUI and IVF) many times but for some reason, they have not become pregnant. When ART has been combined with my treatment, my patients have become pregnant. I have also helped some women become pregnant when their doctor told them that they cannot become pregnant naturally due to certain health issues like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), POI (Premature Ovarian Insufficiency) and severe Endometriosis.
By combining traditional Chinese medicine with modern techniques like ART, there is an increased rate of successful pregnancies. I would like to explain the technique I use to help women become pregnant. I hope this explanation will help women to understand how this works for them.
1. Preparation Phase:
This is the most important phase that every patient should go through before starting an infertility treatment procedure. In this phase of treatment, there are 4 areas that need to be addressed:
a. Prepare the uterus inner lining, enrich the uterus environment, this will make the pregnancy easier and the IVF procedure-implantation more successful.
b. Regulate hormones to make sure that menstruation is normal and general well-being is balanced and strong. These hormones include, but are not limited to: FSH, AMH, Estradiol, LH, Progesterone, Prolactin, HbA1C, and Thyroid hormone-TSH & T4.
c. Treating disorders like auto immune disorder, POI, PCOS, endometriosis. Chronic UTI and Chronic Yeast infection.
d. Improve egg quality and quantity (when there is poor egg quality and low egg quantity).
It may take 3 to 6 months in this phase depending on the condition of patient. Acupuncture and herbal medicine is used together with twice a week Acupuncture treatments.
After this preparation, patient can start infertility treatment.
Next, I will outline the IVF treatment and how I work with the procedures in the following content.
2. Promote Ovulation Phase
Acupuncture every other day from Day 2 to Day 10. From day 11 to egg retrieving day, Acupuncture every day for 2 days.
3. Egg Retrieving
From day 11 to egg retrieving day, acupuncture every day for 2 or 3 days. The purpose of the acupuncture treatment at this time is to make sure that the patient is relaxed and organs are in good shape. After egg retrieval, Acupuncture should be done every other day for one week.
4. Implantation Phase
Each patient’s implantation date is different. If the implantation date is to be scheduled 5 days after egg retrieving, the patient should have Acupuncture every day to prepare the uterine lining. In other cases, patients could have Acupuncture twice a week until the implantation day is chosen. Once that day is chosen, Acupuncture should be done every day for 5 days before the implantation date.
In 24 hours after the implantation, Acupuncture is recommended to enhance the Yang qi, This is to re-insure the implantation.
5. Post Implantation Phase
The Acupuncture treatment should start the third day after implantation. The goal is to support progesterone levels and make sure the pregnancy is strong. Chinese herbs will be recommended in this phase. In those two weeks, Acupuncture should be done twice a week.
6. Early Pregnancy Phase
Support pregnancy (same as phase 5). Prevent miscarriage. Treatment of the discomfort of early stages of pregnancy (i.e. nausea, fatigue etc.). This phase needs Acupuncture twice a week until the 12th week of pregnancy. Herbal medicine is recommended in this phase.
Note: Chinese herbal medicine is safe and effective in treating infertility. It will not interfere with Western medicine because Chinese herbs work on a different path in treating and preparing patients. The ultimate goal is helping the patient become pregnant and to have a healthy baby. Chinese herbs are safe in the early stages of pregnancy. If a patient has a history of miscarriage, herbal medicine will be very suitable and necessary. I have treated a number of patients who have had multiple miscarriages and they have become pregnant. Some of them have even taken herbs on and off until their baby was born.
If you have difficulty becoming pregnant, either naturally or after being treated with ART, please do not hesitate to call me at (212) 779-0468 or click here to fill out our appointment form. I will be very happy to help you.
Feng Liang, Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, MD from China