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About Studio

Seven Beauty StudioGreat hair doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment! Nulla a velit quis ex ornare rhoncus. Donec imperdiet risus justo, vel malesuada erat fermentum at. Morbi at laoreet mauris. Mauris lorem felis, gravida et vehicula congue, tempus vel justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec…

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About usCongue lorem nulla amet – rutrum consectetur lorem auris volutpa rutrum.DetailsOur portfolioLorem from lorem nulla amet rutrum consectetur lorem auris volutpa rutrum dolor.DetailsOur specialistsNulla for a lorem nulla amet – rutrum consectetur lorem auris volutpa lorem.DetailsSeven Beauty StudioGreat hair doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by appointment! Nulla a velit quis ex ornare rhoncus.…


Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs Videos We present to you videos regarding acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Some of these videos are interviews with Dr. Feng Liang and others are videos that address specific health issues and conditions. The first set of videos below is a 4 part interview of Dr. Feng Liang with Josiane on her…


Acupuncture for Asthma Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can dramatically help people with Asthma. A TCM doctor approaches this illness in a very different method than a western doctor. Western doctors are first and foremost concerned with asthma symptoms. They prescribe medication that is intended to stop the onset of asthma attacks and they prescribe medications…


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Acupuncture for Allergies If you are an allergy sufferer, you have most likely used either an over the counter or prescription strength medication to alleviate the symptoms of your allergies. Unfortunately, these medications only provide partial temporary relief and some come with severe enough side-effects to make many consider alternative treatments. The good news is…


Acupuncture for Arthritis Most people who consider acupuncture for arthritis consider this ancient treatment either because the treatment prescribed by their doctor has not been very effective (i.e. they are still living with pain on a daily basis) or they are unhappy with the side-effects from the medications prescribed for them. If you are one…